Friday, January 27, 2012

Part Two

I'm finally getting around to the second part of what's gone on the last few months.
I moved in with some family near the Seattle area and I have to say as much as it sucks being away from the ones I love, I also love the area I live in.
Okay so I SLACKED on the unpacking...It took me like two weeks to finally unpack.
After a few weeks of getting settled in it was time I hit the books again and went to college...
Let me inform you now just so we are clear... The college I went to.. Yeah, didn't last long I made it through one quarter and called it a quits. I decided that maybe what I was going for wasn't actually something I was passionate about. However, et me show you some fun stuff I encountered in time of Bellevue College:
 My First day...

 A train ticket to come home for the weekend

Skype Dates with my dad! 
 Pikes Place

 I went to my first Frat Party... Well somewhat frat party..
I met these girls!

Anyway through the time I started my first quarter to the time I ended it, I learned a lot and met a lot of people. This is the time for change and figuring out who you are and I decided that maybe what I was studying wasn't for me. 

Again, like in the summer I had another one of my famous epiphanies..
Why live a life that isn't what YOU want? 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

After a few months....

Wow, It's been some time since I last blogged....
I have a feeling this is going to be quite long, so take your headache medicine!! 

Where to even begin? 
California was a great time, the people I met and the things I did are memories that will forever stick in my head. My family came and saw me my last week which was really nice! I've got an endless tunnel of photos...
 First Time Jetskiing

 This is where I spent all my time. Lake Almanor!! 

I Flew home for four days and had my good friend Ashley get me! We were stuck in traffic for a good hour or so! 
Ashley and me, Our first picture. 
It's a beautiful friendship we have.. We even had inside jokes after two days

After the four days of being home I drove back down to Cali for a week with my family <3

Soaking up the last of Cali's Rays 
My Family! (Dad's Side)

After I got back to Washington I tried bangs... I liked them for a little while but then they had to go! 

I had a good solid month in my home town before I left for college and I was determined to spend it with the ones I loved most.... You guessed it, MORE pictures! 
If you haven't noticed, I'm the type of gal that takes pictures of everything...

I helped my best friend remodel her house and move in.

I spent time with my Sister
My mom <3

 Starbucks is a must! 

 My guy :)

Ashley and I. We are silly!

The time came where is was my last night in town and where better to celebrate than Buffalo Wild Wings?!
I had most of my closet friends and family there. It was a great night of laughs

I think it's time I posted this, seeing how long it's getting and I have got things to do and people to see!

C'est La Vie <3

Friday, July 15, 2011


So, I recently moved to California for the summer hoping to get away from the usual fucked up boy who thinks he is a man and start over. I'm now very content with my life and doing nothing but living blissful. I've made new friends and spent my days on the lake; soaking up the Vitamin D. Just yesterday this girl, for the very first time, played a whole game of softball. Did I like it? Why yes I did. Am I feeling it today? Oh yeah, you betcha! However, there is something that soothes me knowing I played a game I've never played before. Maybe it's the fact that I'm trying all sorts of things down here I never thought I would. This summer seems to be full of "firsts" for me. Example: First summer before going into college, first time away from home for a summer where I know almost NO one! First time jetskiing, tubing, waking up with things I wasn't expecting.., having a job that gives you tips and first time meeting some family. Being eighteen years young is something I am taking slowly and enjoying. I wanna be a girl who actually lived life like there was no tomorrow and when people tell me to take life slow and cherish each moment I can look at them with pride and tell them I am. My next first by the way which I hope will happen within the next two years is skydiving. I'm having a great time being me and I hope every girl is. Every girl is worthy of finding herself and loving herself. Hell, I've even made pretty good friends with a girl I never thought I would..
I leave this place in thirteen days and I go to another place I have no idea what to expect and I couldn't be more ready. These words have been said I'm sure before but my life motto at the moment?
Live Slow. Live Blissful.

Taste life as it's put in your hand.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Change Your Direction.

Just recently have I become aware of the fact that everyone goes through some sort of drastic change in their life a time or two. You see, I try and pick out the best in people.. I'm sure I get that from both of my parents! Anyways, here I am eighteen years old. Just graduated from high school and ready for whatever life brings at me. I've been in one long relationship and as much as I would like to, I can't forget it. Unfortunately it took a long time to finally say goodbye and walk away from a not so good situation. That's the thing, why do we subject ourselves to such poison? I put myself in so much pain thinking I'd walk away with happiness from. I wanted things to change so badly that I almost let my dream go. To move away and go to college and become something great. That's when I relined and questioned... "Why aren't I doing me?" Again, eighteen years old, I shouldn't have a care in the world. I shouldn't be playing house. I should be discovering who I am and where MY life is going. Not following someone who has no direction. Not letting someone walk all over my body with their sick pride! No, I need to discover my life and fill my life with what I want! So, I'm finely standing up and walking away from everything I know. 

I graduated from High School in a small town filled with nothing but rednecks and apostolic's. I really have nothing against then, it's just really not who I am! I want big things for my future. Four days after graduating, I left that town and I'm never going to look back. The past is the past and I'm learning that is where it belongs. I can't dwell on the past if I wanna work on the future. For college I'm moving in with my uncle. Just yesterday I went to the college for the first time to get information. I called my dad (my big time supporter) and he asked me, " So how exciting is this?" I startedto get tears in my eyes. I was so excited, and to think I almost let all of this sli through my hands... God I would have been crazy! Once I hear back from my college I'm head South to California. I never though I would be one to run away from my problems but I need a fresh start. To focus on me. I'm going to live in a private neighborhood and going to get to know the family on my dad's side that I've never truly known. And it's going to be amazing! This is what I need, a change.

C'est La Vie <3